"An attempt to integrate the teaching of the English language & ICT, using MUSIC as a mere pretext."

Friday, April 29, 2011

The Power of Words

"Words, words, words."
William Shakespeare
(English poet & writer)

As We all know, we have to pay attention to the WORDS we use...
since the Power of Words is very important in our everyday communication.

"Language is not a matter of information, 
but a matter of presentation."
Edmund White
(American writer)

In other words, ...

"The important thing is not WHAT you say, 
but HOW you say it."
Jesús Canca

In my opinion, 
Words can be considered as the key in our everyday communication.

The success or failure of our communication depends on how we say things, and
on the Words we use to communicate with other people.

The following video illustrates 
to change your message and your effect on people.

* Watch the video and complete the following activities:

PRE-Watching the video
Activity 1.- Guess what the video is about - 
just by looking at the man sitting down on the ground.

WHILE- Watching the video
Activity 2.- Guess what the woman writes: 

1.- When the woman sees the sign


2.- After people’s reaction


AFTER-Watching the video
Activity 3.- Compare the 2 sentences:

Sentence  1
Sentence  2



As the woman from the video says:

"I wrote the same... 
but in different words."

Talking about Words & Music...

The Bee Gees (a famous musical group from the 1970's) has a song about "words", called WORDS.

Watch the video-clip of a modern version of the song "Words" by Boyzone at:

Using the following missing words:

WORDS     WORDS        IT’S        ARE

I     ALL     ONLY     HAVE

Complete the Chorus of the song:
(from 1:08 to 1:18)

Chorus of the song “Words

__1__   __2__   __3__, and

__4__   __5__   __6__   __7__   __8__

to take your heart away.”

Check out your answers at: 

                                                * Remember...

Always select the most appropriate words
for each moment in your life !!


  1. Las palabras... nos hacen reir, llorar, pensar, enfadar, luchar, sufrir, soñar, vivir, sentir, escuchar...e incluso morir.
    Cada un@ de nosotros somos dueños sólo de la mitad del significado de nuestras palabras, la otra mitad es de quien las escucha. Piensa que es, lo que quieres transmitir y tendrás el poder de cambiar el Mundo.
    María José Jaén.

  2. En definitiva, como tú bien dices, las palabras nos hacen "vivir"...
    Como diría Wittgenstein, "el verdadero significado de las palabras está en su uso".
    Gracias por tu comentario, Mª José.
    Un saludo,

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